Sunday, January 1, 2012


I watched intently as my Classroom Excel Instructor gave details on how to find the totals of a column of figures fifteen cells long through the Presentation Software PowerPoint. "Type the equal sign, then enter the word sum," She started. "Then add the parenthesis followed by the Column Letter and the Row Number of each of the rows below. Next close the parenthesis and click enter. Raise your hand when your done and I will come around and check to see if you have the answer correct." She completed. Being a little older... (okay much older in some cases) than other students, I listened intently and did everything exactly as instructed and got the answer correct. What happened next sent what seemed like a wave of furrowed brows through the classroom. The teacher stood in front of the class, moved to the next slide  and said "Very good class, now delete the answer that you came up with. Now highlight the fifteen cells as shown and click auto sum and enter." As I followed her instruction and got the same answer, I wondered why in the world did she have us go through all of that previously when we achieved the same thing with three steps? The cue-de-gras (yes it felt like a death blow.. to my time!)  came when she asked us to delete the answer again, stay in the cell click auto sum and enter... Why didn't she ask us to do that in the first place?

In this week's learning content taught us the importance of computer software uses as a designer and the importance of standards. While there are many different types of software used in the educational arena, such as Content and Organization Software, Presentation, Assessment Software, Communication Software, and Collaboration Software it is important that standards are set when designing so that things like how successful a design was or wasn't to the student that are gaining knowledge from it. Now while the mini Digital Native in me may not have liked the fact that the teacher showed us three different ways to do one task, each one being simpler than the previous, I realize now that was a standard set for that class. By equipping the students with how to get the most out of the Excel Software, she could then go back and assess what we learned and each time she taught that class, she would have the same standards in place so that each student would receive equal instruction. 

As designers of the future we must take in account how the student we will be helping learn. While many will be Digital Natives, we still have to (at least for now) Design for both the Natives and the Immigrants by incorporating a mixed variety of ways to learn so that it connects with each of the students independently. Now while having a mini Native trapped in my Immigrant Body, this was a hard sell for me because at times I want knowledge fast and now. On the other hand, if my teacher would have never gone through those steps, I wouldn't have learned it and wouldn't be writing about it today. I guess it is true that you can't really unlearn something that was taught well.... Kudos to you Mrs Copeland!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


As I sit in my room, I hear small giggles come from the family room where the computer is. I peek in to see my daughter's eye toggling from the computer screen to the calculator and back and realize she is completing a math assignment. But what could be so funny? I then notice her giggle again and say "Yep, I know what you mean?" Confused I thought "Has my daughter contracted some computer virus that has turned her mad?" As I come closer to check on the poor girl, I notice that in the right corner of the same screen her homework is on, is another window opened, with her best friend face on it. The girl was on OOVOO (similar to Skype). Being a parent from the old school, I thought that she couldn't possibly be concentrating on her homewok! As I walked closer and tell her to get off OOVOO and concentrate on her work, she types in the answer in and the computer tells her she is correct. She pulls the earplugs out of her ear, music wailing away and says "Hi Mom." I say hi as I redirect my course to the kitchen. How could she possibly be concentrating on schoolwork with all the other distractions?

Our week 2 discussion focus on the learning styles of people like me to be considered a Digital Immigrant and people like my daughter who is considered a Digital Native. Originally I thought that there wasn't a huge gap between how I learn and how she learn until I tried to "help" her with homework. The way teacher teach today is different from my past and it was evident when we I tried to show her my method to solve and equation. Her way had about 15 less steps. Digital Natives are individuals who were born into this high tech world and are immersed into it quickly. My son is a native through and through. His first experience with technology was at birth when they placed a tiny tracking device on his ankle so they can identify him and make sure no one walked away with him until we checked out

While I love technology and all it has done to make my life a little easier, I must admit that I was nervous about being an online student where we communicated and did everything through cyberspace.Would I keep up? Is there a "tecky" book out there for dummies like me? I was so use to a brick and mortar school that the thought of not seeing my teacher and classmate made me second guess completing this degree. But after my first class, I felt at home. I think the desire to finish out weighed my fear.

As far as my learning style, I am a little old school... okay alotta old school. I have to concentrate on one task. I have to have concrete evidence based reading. If I search the web the works that I pull from has got to be credible sources. While some of our professor at Walden University give us a variety of learning mediums such as videos and interactive links,sometimes I prefer a plain ole' book in hand. I guess I don't have a Millennial Learning Style just yet. But I have a feeling the further I get into my degree courses, the more my style will change... I guess I'll hold on to my Technology for Dummies book just in case it does.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


An alarm sounds in my room, I search for it in the dark to hit "snooze". No it's not the traditional alarmclock/radio on the nightstand that I am reaching for, it is my all-purpose-can' How did I get this way? I remember in my teens rushing home to sit by the phone wired to the wall hoping the cute boy that I gave my number to would call. Now besides my glasses, my cell phone is the first thing I have contact with everyday.

What does this little plastic piece of technology do for me? It keeps me connected to my children at all times, it keeps up with my daily schedule, list of things to do, keeps my contacts, appointment times, helps me wake up in the morning, and tells me when to go to bed.If it was human, I would be calling it "Mom"!

This is sad! without my cell phone, I would not know any one's phone number by heart, remember my next doctors appointment, and miss my daughters recital! Have I become the fabled slave to AI (artificial Intelligence) by allowing this little electronic gadget take over the menial task that keep my life moving forward?

Our assignment this week is to talk about two technologies that I can't live without. Since the first one is obviously my phone, the second one is my computer. Wow, a big shocker right? Wrong, because it is not the computer that I work with daily at work or at home, but the tiny computer that is located in my car! Oh thank the Lord for the little brainy person who decided that folks like me needed to be actually told to CHANGE THE OIL!

Many of us have very busy lives. How many of us hop in our car and automatically check our mileage, and remember hey it's about time for a change? How about the tire pressure? Fluid level? Gas?  Be honest many of us wait on that indicator light to flash "Change Oil" before we decide to do it.
I remember my first car a 1978 Dodge Aspen (I got it in 1991). You know how I found out it needed antifreeze? When I was on the side of the road and smoke was billowing out from under the hood! Yep time to get that checked...

Technology today has developed so significantly that it is integrated into just about every part of our lives. Take education. Students reading this blog would not be able to do so without advancing technology. This is a form of learning medium. I think learning and forward technology goes hand in hand. It started from the one college professor who thought his students would get the most out of his class by having a way to teach the students mathematics simultaneously by using a granite slate.(Thornburg, The Emergence of Educational Technology)

To a Gen Xer like myself, technology still holds the wow factor, but Today's Net Gen Learners learn by doing because they have been exposed to technology practically from birth. Technology is, to them, a way to get things done not just the cool new thing. (Oblinger, Using Technology as a Learning Tool,not just the cool new thing)


Our POTUS is gaining strength in the upcoming elections.  The democratic party is optimistic about the upcoming elections.  The Associated Press stated that this may be due to his firmer and more forceful stance against the GOP lawmakers and interest...democrats-encouraged-obama-2012


I wanted this site to be for those who are bored at work or home to chat with friends as they read daily trending topics. I hope you enjoy